I started a new project today but I'm not quite finished...It's not really turning out like I had planned...I was really excited to be posting it today but since it's not done I will be posting something else...Some more pictures of my flowers...I know, kinda boring...
Jeff hates the blue ball...he hid it in the bushes one time |
I started with a plan here...I really did...It was supposed to be one of those sterile front yards that have nothing but bushes that are low maintenance...I planted the dwarf nandina and a few other shrubs...Through the years I kept adding plants here and there...
Just a view from end of house... |
I have a love for plants...All kinds...I know my yard does not come close to some of the other bloggers I read about but it means alot to me...I grew up in this house...I moved back here in 1998 and for the last almost 13 years I have given it alot of TLC...Lots of hard work and sweat has gone into my planting...I'm not crazy about the timbers around my bed, but my son made it for me so for the time being I'll be keeping it...He was about 12 when he did it...Now he is about to turn 19...It's funny how some things can be so sentimental....
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