Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I started this project several months ago and put it in a box...I didn't like where it was going...Typical of me I think...

I have been seeing this on everybody's blogs so of course I wanted to try it...I purchased the letters at Michaels...I read online how someone used silver paint to get a stainless steel look...First I spray painted the letters black....I then put a few coats of the silver paint on them...That's when they got put in the box...

Spray paint on the table...Look! It spells eat...

I got to thinking...I have got to do something with those letters...I dug them out and added some more silver...

Not what I was hoping for...
A few more coats...Looks a little better I guess...
So for the final reveal...Still not the look I'm looking for....For some reason I'm really loving red...hhhhmmmm....

Above my laundry room door in kitchen...
Maybe its the fact that I'm using a crummy cell phone camera...Everybody always has better pictures but I'm too lazy to do all that...If the family likes it I will keep it there for a while...RED...sounds so much better....

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have some cute ideas to do with these letters! Totally understand the "left in a box thing"...happens all the time!
    About the laundry soap. I love the smell. Just makes everything smell fresh...and I think it is better than tide. As far as I know it cleans fabulously!


Any comments appreciated! Thanks :)