Saturday, February 18, 2012

Too Frugal? I Don't Think So....

cheap..thrifty...frugal...i guess everybody has a different name for about crazy?? that one is good too...

since the new year started, i've been trying to do better things in my of them is spending less money...another one is cooking better...and also, making my own things..

the problem that i was having with all of this is, what do i put all of my things in? after all, i was trying to save if i go out and buy a bunch of containers then i'm not keeping up my deal i made with myself...

before i came up with the idea of just using "trash" to put stuff in, i went to the dollar store and picked up a container...for $ i'm glad that i only bought one...i know its just $1.00 but i needed to buy more if i was keeping this up...

i had already made a post about putting some dish detergent into a coffee can for my bff..i then decorated it a, my mind was ticking..i gathered up all of the containers i had and went to work...

on the far right you can see the dollar store container...the others are the "trash" ones...i've seen alot of people doing the same thing that i just did...some just write on theirs with a a crafter i just couldn't have that...

i took some scrap book paper and wrapping paper...cut it to size...mod podged it on...made labels and put those on as well...

they look a little better...cost was $0 since i had everything...i'm keeping up with my deal...i'm saving money and doing better things for myself...

i know my posts have been kinda slim but i'm working on a few things...hopefully i will be able to post them soon

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