Sunday, February 5, 2012

Attention Google Friend Connect Followers!!!

on march 1, 2012, google will be discontinuing google friend connect...if you are following me now, i really don't want to lose if you will click on my new linky followers icon on the right hand side of my blog i would really appreciate it...its really easy to create an account with them...just sign up with your email and you are set...and its FREE!....i'm not real happy about this because i'm not crazy about change...for some reason google is disrupting alot of peoples lives...they are also doing away with piknic too...mean google people!

so, please stay my friend!! click on that link!


  1. I Agree to read excellent content to use for me. By Printing and Trade Printer

  2. Hey Its Cheri from Its So Very Cheri and I came over from the LINKY FOLLOWER PARTY HOP and I hope you will come over to follow me as well.


  3. i'm now following you too!! thanks for visiting me!

  4. Happy to find your gorgeous blog! I'm a new Linky follower. Found you through the Linky Blog Hop! Hope you can come visit my site, when you have a moment.

  5. tera leigh, wow, what kind words...thank you so much!

  6. Found you via the Linky hop and have become your newest follower. Looking forward to reading your future posts. Hope you have a chance to visit and perhpas follow me back.

  7. i am now following you pieced pastimes...thanks for visiting my blog :)


Any comments appreciated! Thanks :)