Friday, October 14, 2011

What I've Learned In The Past 3 Years

3 years ago i met my husband....this is our "dating" anniversary! so i want to share the things that i have learned in the past 3 years...its been a long hard road but i wouldn't change it for anything...this is not something i would normally write about on this blog...i will be back to interesting stuff very soon...i'm working on a project that i cut myself 2 times today...hopefully that post will be tomorrow...thanks for taking the time to read about the things that have made me a stronger woman...a better wife....a better person...

i'm going for the condensed version here...this box isn't big enough for what i have to say...

1-money isn't everything
for the longest time i worked to get things i wanted...i went to work sick, gave up maternity leave, and missed out on my kids lives...doing this i felt that i could get ahead in this world..i dedicated my life to a job that cared less about me..i put myself into some of my situations but i guess i was just tired of everything that i had world came to a screeching halt and i had to change my way of the process i learned that i could live on less money, my chronic pain started to subside, and my family life improved...we take less trips and save more money...i'm happier now than i've been in many years...sometimes its hard to have to say no to my kids when i can't always afford things that they want but most of the time they understand...

2-things happen for a reason
i've been put into situations in the past 3 years that i didn't want to be in...some i didn't have any control over....i didn't like it but i hung in there and things got better...i've been through alot in my lifetime...alot that people don't even know about...i've never had someone that i could count on until now...i've always been the person that someone depended i have someone that  i CAN depend on...god has chosen a plan for took my husband to show me plan is falling into place right now...things that happen can be related to money also...some major changes happened to us and i honestly feel that people thought they were getting the last laugh on way...we are closer, stronger, and happier....i would like to ask them, where are you in your life right now?

3-you find out who your friends are
boy do you ever...people will turn on you in the blink of an eye...they only care about whats gonna happen to them...even if something is right, they will not stand up for you because they are worried it will affect them instead of helping you...i have few friends...there is one that i can count on for everything...she has been there for me since high school...for better or worse....sickness and in health... she knows who i'm talking about..jeff and i also determined that the most important friend that we can have is each other....we are each others "best" friend...

4-i've become more private
if you don't talk to me face to face you probably don't know whats going on with me...i don't share much anymore...i once blogged about stuff but now i have a different blog...if you aren't interested in DIY projects it might be a little boring..honestly, i don't think anybody believed one word i've said anyway or some things may not have happened the way they did...even on facebook, i have people that send me requests all the time to be my friend...sorry, this ain't no number game for spy on me and tell my business you get deleted...

5-don't believe everything you hear
this applies to me...but it also applies to others too...people say things to make themselves look good...they say things to hurt others too...rumors flew that i was a drug addict...i worked in the medical field for a very long time and i was honestly afraid of drug tests...why would i risk that by doing something stupid?? people assumed that jeff was on something too because of his weight one asked was he sick...they just about people that lie to cover up a lie?? wow, now that would never happen huh?? so before someone says anything maybe you should say, i don't know if its true or not before they make the statement...or maybe they should just keep their mouth shut...thats just an example...i could go on for days about the rumors...

Peace, Love, & Joy

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