Saturday, October 22, 2011

Adventures In Soap Making

i saved a homemade soap recipe on pinterest that i have been wanting to try...i'm sure if you are reading this, you are probably saying, why can't she post something that nobody else does??? i see something and i want to try it...

the recipe that i found called for glycerin...i didn't have any of that on hand and was too cheap to buy any...this past week we have been cleaning out my husbands grandmothers the medicine cabinet i found a whole bottle of glycerin....i immediately thought about my pin on the soap...

the original recipe was from savvy housekeeping. i read the whole post and then the comments...a large number of people were saying that the soap didn't turn out and that it was too runny...i've tried making it before and it was a failure...the following is my recipe and how it turned out...

the 1st thing to do is to grate the need 1 cup of grated soap..i've been saving soap from when it breaks...yeah, that sounds kinda weird i me it sounds thrifty...i used ivory soap...

after the soap is grated, add it to 5 cups of water...add 1 tablespoon of glycerin to the water...heat until all of the soap melts....

after the soap melted, i put the whole pot into the refrigerator....i read that a few people were letting the soap sit over night and then blending it to make it smooth...the soap was a big glob when i took it out...i used my ninja to process it...

its much smoother can see the difference in the looks just like the ivory body wash that you can buy...

i filled an empty dispenser and this is what i have left over...don't be jealous over my mt dew bottle...i'm sure that it will settle some...i tried the pump and it came out just fine...hopefully it will not clump up after sitting in the jug...

so comparing the soap recipes i think that using half the amount of water made a difference...the original called for 10 cups and i only used 5 cups...when i made the homemade soap before, i can't remember how much water i used...i didn't blend it was so clumpy that it wouldn't pump and i threw it out...

if the soap doesn't clump i will be making it again...its very cost effective....if you use coupons, ivory can be bought in a 3 pack for less than a $1.00...even if you buy bars of soap at the dollar tree that makes it cheaper than buying one pump soap...

i just wanted to share another copy cat recipe and what i thought about it...thanks for reading!!

Peace, Love, & Joy


  1. This is body wash or dish soap? I am confused lol Cant wait to try it!

  2. this soap was labeled hand soap...i guess i should have been more specific!! husband said he was gonna use some as body wash...did you make your laundry detergent??

  3. Yes I did and I LOVE IT! IT got my whites soooo white and it smells so fresh! I WILL make everyting myself form here on out =) Body wash, dish soap, face wipes, lotion, glade plugin- type name it, I am making it myself to save money and the earth teehee LOVE IT! Wish I found all of this stuff waaayyyy sooner LOL What about you?

  4. i'm so glad you like the laundry detergent...i'm hooked on it...please share your other recipes with about face wipes and lotion? did you find them on pinterest?


Any comments appreciated! Thanks :)