Friday, August 5, 2011

Small Table

i was in my local junk store a few weeks ago and i saw this table...i remembered that my grandmother had 2 of these when i was little....its funny how certain images stick in your head...i noticed that the tag said as needed a little tlc, but i knew i could fix was a little shakey too...(i guess thats not a real word...but i'm using it...LOL) my grandmothers table was like that too, i can't remember her sitting anything heavy on it...this table was really a pain in my rear....if i could do over i would...i would have never brought it home!!
this is the day i brought it home..oh, i was excited!!
i had a lot of gluing to do...the table had completely separated in 2 places...i glued and clamped it in place...i did some more sanding...i wanted the top to be is the pic where i'm applying some stain...i finished staining it and it came apart again....really frustrating for what i thought would be a quick project....

so, i sanded it all down again and repeated with a different glue...the funny thing is, i bought some wood glue and dollar worked!!....i painted the legs and bottom white....distressed a little...put some stain on it...

here she is...with the top finished...i posted the 1st pic on facebook and asked for a name...mavis...LOL...the person that came up with the name said it meant troublemaker...and i can tell you she all looks so simple when you post a blog with a few pics but trust me, this one was a pain....

here is the finished top...i had plans to keep rustic top and paint an image on top...a label, a bird, etc...just didn't work out for me...i decided to just mod podge the top...i thought this was the easy answer to my this turned out to be alot of work...i printed off the sheet music from graphic fairy...i then tea stained the pages...i wanted to add a little something so i printed the piano onto a music sheet...i just kept adding..then the seemed to never end!! finally, this is what i came up with....i'm not crazy about this piece at all...i just wanted it to be over daughter likes it...she asked for it to go in her room....i'm never gonna make any money at this rate!!

finished....the end

Peace, Love, & Joy

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