Monday, August 29, 2011

Hope Chest - 1994

the reason i know this is from 1994 is because i received this hope chest for a wedding present from my mom right after i got married...the marriage didn't last but the chest did...way back then it was more my style but hasn't been for about 15 years...i never had the heart to get rid of it, no pun intended, because it was something i treasured from my mother...i never even thought about painting it until the other night when i was trying to fall asleep...i'm not sure how other blogger/crafter/diyer's minds tick, but mine never stops...i go to bed thinking about what i want to do, if i wake up during the night i'm thinking, and when i wake up in the morning i'm thinking...i've actually had some of my best inspiration during these times...

this is the before...a big chunk out of the bottom...a "friend" rented my house and i let her use this...her kids ruined it...

2 coats of annie sloan paint...i have read that lots of people use 1 coat...some things i just like having more coverage on so i did 2 on this

this pic is after i lightly looks splotchy...i think its because the wax was still wet...this piece has no stain on it and the wax i used was not tinted...i just couldn't wait...i am still unsure what i want this to look might change...its amazing what changes a coat of wax will do...

i just ordered a silhouette and it should be here on wednesday...the chest might just get something special for the front :)

Peace, Love, & Joy

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1 comment:

  1. wow! It's like you have a totally new piece! Beautiful. I will be back to see if you dress it up once you get your silhouette! Thank you for the nice comment on my blog too!


Any comments appreciated! Thanks :)