Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sneak Peak

i've been working a little on my new piece...we have been getting rain showers and wind almost everyday so its hard to work is a little preview of what i've a few coats of stain on the top...

a little bit of primer...

its hard to see in the picture but it already looks better...i sanded the top with my brand new sander that i got at lowes!! excited about other one that i had was powered by air...for some reason it wouldn't hold air anymore and it was not meant to be used with the compressor i was pretty old anyway...i bought an electric one this time...i won't have to worry about dragging that compressor out when i want to work...for those of you that do not know, dollar tree sells sand paper in a pack of 12...i can get 4 pieces out of 1 sheet...a pack of a few pieces at lowes was around $4.50...rain is headed our way as i write this...maybe tomorrow i can work on this

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