Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Project of the day...May 17, 2011-Door Stencil

This project started a few months ago in my head...I saw on several blogs I follow that people were painting their house numbers on the front door...I so wanted this!! This project cost me nothing...BUT a headache...

Maybe its just me...I seem to have problems with the projects I start...I read and read and read on how to do something...When I decide to attempt it, it messes up...Yes, I messed this one up too...The outcome is nothing like I expected...For right now I'm leaving it...I want to see what everyone says before I paint over it...

In photo 1: This shows the door with the stencil applied...I printed off letters on the computer of the font I liked...I then traced it onto clear contact paper...This is the contact paper stuck to the door...
So excited  at this point!!

Photo 2:  I took a stencil sponge brush and lightly tapped on the paint...It didn't work...
Waiting is the hardest part
Photo 3: I took the stencil off and the paint bled through...I smoothed the stencil out before I applied the paint...This worked on other peoples blogs...why me?!?!

ugh...why me

Photo 4: I took a very SMALL brush...I painted around the numbers and letters with red...I used a hairdryer because I'm in a hurry today...After the red dried I painted the white...The lines are not very crisp....I should have bought some vinyl but the door gets extremely hot in the summer....Direct west sun when it's setting...plus this was free!!

One thing for sure...I'm not a very good painter
 Photo 5: TA DA!! So here is the result....It's ok....

Where are my glasses?
So as it turns out, it's barely visible!! But, I think it's quite cute...

Peace, Love, & Joy

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