Monday, May 16, 2011

Cloche....Everybody is doing it

Cheese Dome...

I know...I know...Everybody is doing it...Making the "cloche"...I had to try it...So easy and so cute!! I bought the top part, which is a cheese dome,  at the Goodwill...I already had the bottom, which is a candle holder that came from Dollar Tree...I glued the 2 pieces together with some Gorilla Glue and then painted with some Krylon plastic spray paint...It was too plain for me so I picked up some moss and a little bird at the local Hobby Lobby and stuffed it inside...I'm not certain on the total price of this project since I already had some of the stuff..I would say it was less than $5...I didn't take any before pics since I'm new to the world of blogging...At least about stuff I have made...I will work on the pictures in the future :)

Peace, Love, & Joy

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