Monday, January 23, 2012

Clementine Crate

you know what i hate?? when i find something online and i don't pin it for later...i tried to use my memory but you know how that goes...

i saw the cutest little crate that was made out of a clementine box...i didn't even know that oranges came in a wooden box..i thought i wouldn't find one either...i had to go by my mother in laws house the other night and she had 4 of them stacked in her garage!! and since she loves me so much i got all of them...

here is the before...

and the after...painted all of the bare wood black...slightly sanded...drilled holes and added handles...
just a little project...since i have 3 more i might try something different...

thanks for reading about my little crate....


  1. I have one of these that I've been saving, cuz I KNOW I will see something later that will be so cool to use it for....and now I have! Love the rope handles and paint!

  2. good idea! Can't wait to see what you do with the other 3!

  3. It turned out great! I hope I come across a wooden clementine box too!


Any comments appreciated! Thanks :)